Hmm...I'm thinking I should start an Award Cauldron page so I have a place to actually put these things...Well, there's just one with a questionnaire, so here goes!
Thank you so very much Wendy (over at for thinking of me! Wendy was kind enough to nominate me for

Now I'm supposed to share 7 things about me
1) I act, dance, sing, write, paint, sketch, sculpt, knit, crochet, do beadworking, wireworking, and a whole load of other crafty stuff that won't come to mind at the moment...
2) I graduated 1-2 years ago with a Bachelor of the Arts in English
3) Due to #2, I now work as one of the cogs in a debt collection agency
4) The reason I'm not doing something more with my life is because I haven't yet figured out what I want to do...or rather, I have TOO MANY ideas of what I want to do with my life, some realistic, some not, and cannot make a decision on the matter.
5) Umm....I have 4 favorite colors? Green, blue, purple, and silver.
6) Almost there! Umm...umm...I'm really horrible at uploading photos so I can post with them! Wait, you knew that already...crap...
7) ...I can haz chzburgr? (heh! so much for that degree in English thing!)
((PS~ if someone would like to snag this award for yourself you are more than welcome to do so!))
((PPS~ I was in a very humorous mood when I wrote this, so if anyone takes offense PLEASE DON'T. No offense is intended, I'm just enjoying life and I'm not trying to do so at your expense.))
((PPPS~ fun stuff in the works kiddies! Keep you eyes peeled, I'll be having a review of some very talented and fun music up soon!(and maybe the person responsible for said music, we'll see ;P)))
:) I loved it....I like funny! Thanks!
You got another award! :)