And while I normally disagree with chainmail type things, this masquerades as holiday fun so I let it slip on past the radar
Want to play along?
Copy and paste the questions into your blog,
•Then tag 5 or more of your favorite blogs, and leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged.
•When you post on your blog, please spread some Christmas Cheer, and leave a link back to Heather's blog and the blog that you were tagged by.
Well then:
Heather would like any blogger to participate in this game, even if you have not been tagged She will go back and add your blog link to the list if you wanna play along.
Survey says....
1. Have you started your Christmas shopping?
Umm...I guess? I shopped for baking ingredients...but as I have been participating in Domestic Witch's Home 'Crafted Holidays you can see that I am making my gifts this year and have had most of the ingredients needed for some time.
2. Tell me about one of your special traditions.
Wow...I think I have better Halloween traditions than Christmas traditions. Umm...aside from leaving cookies and milk out for Santa I can't really think of any special traditions. Decorating the tree is also big, as well as making cookies, but there are always moderate levels of stress intrinsicly tied into these traditions. Ah...yeah. Not sure.
3. When do you put up your tree?
When I can?
4. Are you a Black Friday shopper?
Nuh-uh. No way Jose. Store shopping is really stressful to begin with--and tons of people getting rabid over their items? Not good for an empath, even with slight abilities.
5. Do you travel at Christmas or stay home?
Both. The first half of the day (at least while I still lived at home) we opened presents from mum+dad and from Santa. Noon we left to arrive at whichever relative's house it was that year by one. Of course there was a lot of stress inherent in the getting ready (dressing up in our sunday's finest) getting the car loaded and heading out on time...rushing the said relative's house to sit bored for a few hours until presents. There wasn't anyone my age on dad's side of the family, which meant I got to sit staring out the window until something interesting happened. This year...I'm not sure what I'll do.
6. What is your funniest Christmas memory?
...err. Funny doesn't come to mind with Christmas. Stress and embarrasment, yes. Hmm...maybe that's why I go Christmas crazy now I have my own place? I'm trying to make it fun...(off to pick my own brain)
7. What is your favorite Christmas movie of All time?
Home Alone and Home Alone II...and Rudolph the Red-nosed Reigndeer... OH!! The Life & Adventures of Santa Clause!!!! That one, definitely. I like the claymation 1985 one as well as the newer cartoon remake. Both favorites! ...not really surprising seeing as I'm pagan, huh?
8. Do you do your own Christmas baking and what’s your favorite treat?
Yes. It's a tradition. I guess I don't really have a favorite though...does it have chocolate? Then its good in my book. White chocolate-covered pretzels I suppose....
9. Fake or Real Tree?
Real. It has to be fake this year, but nothing beats finding the perfect tree (white pine preferred--it has long soft needles and a great pine-y smell) and getting it all set up.
10. What day does the actual panic set in to get it all done?
HA! Err...*ahem*...when do the preparations for Christmas start?
11. Are you still wrapping presents on Christmas Eve?
Not parents got on my case long before that point.
12. What is your favorite family fun time at Christmas?
Mmm...I suppose getting the tree is the best part. Actual Christmas?...the presents?
13. What Christmas craft do you like the best?
....craft? Frak, I'm supposed to be the crafty witch...but outside of elementary school we never did Christmas crafts! >.< Well...what I would
like to do is when I have a house of my own I would like a pine tree outside that I decorate with strung cranberries/popcorn as well as pinecone birdfeeders. All natural and fun!
14. Christmas music? Yes or No, and if yes, what is your favorite song?
Yes. I don't think I have a favorite song though...I just like the genre.
15. When do you plan to finish all your shopping?
I did a while back? Oh! CRAP! I can't say that, I've still got the guy's gift to get! (and I'm not saying where I'm getting it as he might read this)
This is normally the part where I tag other people...but I really hate obligating other people like that. SO...I'm leaving it on a first-come first-serve basis. Do you want to be tagged? Leave me a comment. First five will be tagged by yours truly! ((Oh...jtarwin, I'm totally poking you to get tagged. Backwards? Yes I know, but that's part of the fun.))