Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blessed Mabon!

Traditionally I prepare my altar for fall on Mabon...I may wait a day or two, so I can find more turned leaves to gather and press them properly before using them on my altar. Rest assured, I will definitely have pictures up!

I'm thinking I need to harvest and dry some of the herbs in my garden--perfect time to do it! I discovered last winter that rosemary, despite being an evergreen, will definitely not survive in a pot on a balcony, so I will be harvesting that as well.

I'm considering making some mulled wine...but will likely pass due to our 90 DEGREE TEMPERATURE!! Ugh! Record-setting is great and all, but does it have to be on Mabon?

In any case, I know many of you celebrated yesterday (Is my Llewelyn calendar the only one that says its on the 23rd this year?) but a blessed Mabon regardless! Peace!

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